Predators in the Maniototo
Predator Free NZ has created predator map of New Zealand using a map from Land Information NZ. Let's do some investigating and see what pests are being eradicated along the trail by the support of local community groups, hapu/iwi, private land owners, DOC, OSPRI and local regional councils. This will give us an idea about how many animals are in the area over time. Click and drag your mouse around the map before selecting an area along the trail. Jot down the animal being targeted in each area. You could mark them as a colour. What do you see in your colours?
Find out more

Make your own Predator free or Animal Siting Map on Google Earth!
Go to
Search for the area you want to place your results in.
Create a project and give it a title.
Select new feature and click 'Draw line or shape'.
Make a dot to dot drawing of your area.
Give the area a title.
In the text box, write the name of the animal, plant or insect, and the number you saw.
Select 'Info box' and drop it down to 'Small info box'.
Colour code your box by selecting a colour. You could do what the map above does or make your own colour key.
Make another area.

Before completing this activity, you need to gather data from following a predator free guide, completing a conservation research activity or an animal or plant spotting activity.
Teachers: if you create one Google Map project for your class, then you could have different groups look after different areas. You could do this in areas around your school or from data you collected from a field trip along the trail.